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Let's Play Universim! In this Universim gameplay video we will be taking a look at the early stages of the game and how to get things up and running... think of it as a 'Universim Getting Started Guide' as the in game tutorial leaves a lot to be desired at the moment!
Jump straight into managing your own planets as you guide a civilization through the ages. Become the ultimate empire in The Universim, a new breed of God Game in development by Crytivo.
Your time is coming. Guide a fledgling civilization through the obstacles of life. From humble beginnings, watch as they evolve and advance throughout the ages under your wing. Influence their decisions and punish the unfaithful with a wide range of godly abilities. Interact with objects, create disasters, and launch clueless creatures into orbit. This is your world, and nothing can stop you from having fun.
"Our goal is to bring back the features you know and love from classic god games and spice them up with fresh ideas, a modern physics engine, and stylized visuals developed by a few of our very own industry heroes." - Crytivo
➤ Let's Play Two Point Hospital
➤ Pinewood Hills | Let's Play Planet Coaster
➤ Let's Play Oxygen Not Included
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➤ Music Credits
All music provided by Epidemic Sound - www.epidemicsound.com
the universim gameplay 2019 🌌 Progress! | Let's Play The Universim Ep. 08 | |
333 Likes | 333 Dislikes |
14,259 views views | 69.3K followers |
Gaming | Upload TimePublished on 8 Sep 2018 |
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